Teleradiology - offsite interpretation of digital imaging such as x-rays, CT, MRI, ultrasound, & much more

The Join Commission National Quality Approval Accreditation Seal

Joint Commission Accredited
fellowship trained &
sub-specialty interpretations


What do we do?
We Provide Quality Concierge TeleRadiology & Interpretive Services ANYWHERE and ANYTIME.

What do we do?
We Provide Quality Concierge TeleRadiology & Interpretive Services ANYWHERE and ANYTIME.

Custom Teleradiology services tailored to meet your needs

Infinity Teleradiology Sub-Specialty Services Icon

Sub-Specialty Services

A short description to give the viewer an idea of what it is so they can decide what to do.


Custom PACS

A short description to give the viewer an idea of what it is so they can decide what to do.

Infinity Teleradiology IT Solutions Services Icon

IT Solutions

A short description to give the viewer an idea of what it is so they can decide what to do.

Infinity Teleradiology Concierge Interpretive Services Icon

Concierge Interpretive Services

Infinity Teleradiology Sub-Specialty Services Icon

Sub-Specialty Services

Infinity Teleradiology IT Solutions Services Icon

IT Solutions

Infinity Teleradiology Billing Services Icon



Embrace the benefits of Teleradiology

More efficient use of radiology infrastructure
Improved access to care
Time savings
After hour service

More efficient use of radiology infrastructure

Teleradiology helps to solve several challenges for healthcare around 24/7 availability of radiologist expertise, staff burnout, modernizing workflows and the need for faster turn around time for image readings.


Teleradiology solutions eliminate the need for onsite coverage and allow radiologists to work from anywhere that is most convenient and cost-efficient. Organizations of all sizes can benefit from the strategic use of Teleradiology solutions. Reduced radiology costs, immediate imaging results, and improved access all make an organization more competitive and better able to serve the needs of their patients.

Improved access to care

This technology plays a significant role in improving service to rural areas, and alleviates the current shortage of radiologists. Teleradiology means access to subspecialty radiologists in regions where healthcare disparities arise.

Time savings

Teleradiology solutions enable radiologists to have immediate access to medical images over the internet via secure
telecommunication links. This results in much faster access to highly specialized medical imaging reports and consultative services, all while limiting costs and overhead.

After hours service image showing Infinity Teleradiology' 24 hours of available service

After hour service

Teleradiology allows medical facilities to provide around the clock coverage while relieving the radiologists from the burden of being on-call at night.

Ready to get started?

Learn more about the benefits of our solutions

Contact us to find out how we can help